Sunday, December 5, 2010

Francis and the Lights

Okay. So let's just get this out there. My favorite band is Francis and The Lights. This is Francis Farewell Starlite. That is his legal name. I want to be him when I grow up. Badly. 

When the band was introduced to me, and I'm sure when they're introduced to anyone, there was immediately a comparison made to Prince. The sound is funky and Francis dances in that old school James Brown kind of way, but you really need to listen; lyrically, there's no comparison. Francis and the Lights take everyday life and frame it in full, soulful, memorable melodies. I'm not saying that Prince doesn't, but there's a lyricism and a sense of the world that makes them unique. They have a sound, and that's important when we're inundated everyday with music that is unoriginal or disingenuous. 

I think if anyone really wants to get into my head-space, then they should get hold of their releases. I can't pick a favorite between their EP's ("A Modern Promise" & "Striking") or their latest album "It Gets Better". However, if I had to pick a favorite song, like the one that I want playing at that last moment of my life, then it would definitely have to be "He Was A Good Friend". It's just an experience record, the kind of record that leaves you in tears. Definitely get into that. Other songs of note (though let's not get this twisted; everything they've released is incredible) would be "For Days" and "Knees to the Floor" from their last album, the singles "The Top" and "Darling, It's Alright" and "A Modern Promise" from the EP of the same name. Those were just from the top of my head.  

I love this band, and if there was ever an act that I wanted to see before I die, then this would be it. 

Why do I think this is awesome? Because it was done in one take. Live. Yeah.  

Same concept, but now it features the band and some incredible lighting effects. 

So, yeah. When I'm talking about something being awesome, this is the bench mark. I want them to sell a bajillion records, play out Madison a hundred times, and live on forever. I can't gush enough. If there was ever a band to make me scream and fall out like a Japanese Schoolgirl at a Michael gig, then this is it. 

We have come to terms. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. FATL are amazing!
